

Series editors:

Paweł Boski
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw

Dariusz Doliński
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wrocław

Maria Lewicka
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



In previous years, the editors of the series were:


Andrzej Szmajke
Institute of Psychology
University of Wroclaw
Marek Drogosz
Department of Psychology
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Wacław Bąk
Department of Personality Psychology
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


Already published in the series:

“Rozgrzewanie uwagi – wyczerpywanie woli – uległość. Mechanizmy adaptacji umysłu do wysiłku poznawczego [Warming up attention – exhausting the will – submissiveness. Mechanisms of adaptation of the mind to cognitive effort]
Author: Sławomir Śpiewak
Publisher: Scholar Publishing House
Year of publication: 2013


“Autorytaryzm a brzytwa Ockhama [Authoritarianism and Occam’s razor]”
Author: Piotr Radkiewicz
Publisher: Scholar Publishing House
Year of publication: 2012


Poza stereotypy. Dehumanizacja i esencjalizm w postrzeganiu grup społecznych [Beyond stereotypes. Dehumanization and essentialism in the perception of social groups]
Authors: Marek Drogosz, Michał Bilewicz, Mirosław Kofta
Publisher: Scholar Publishing House
Year of publication: 2012


Psychologia miejsca [The psychology of place]
Author: Maria Lewicka
Publisher: Scholar Publishing House
Year of publication: 2012


Różne oblicza altruizmu [The different faces of altruism]
Edited by Dorota Rutkowska & Hanna Szuster-Kowalewicz
Publisher: Scholar Publishing House
Year of publication: 2008


Społeczne ścieżki poznania [Social Pathways of Cognition]
Edited by: Małgorzata Kossowska, Magdalena Śmieja, & Sławomir Śpiewak
Publisher: Gdańsk Psychological Publishing House
Year of publication: 2005