The psychology of conspiracy. A festschrift for Mirosław Kofta

Editors: Bilewicz, M., Cichocka, A. Soral, W.

Publisher: Routledge

Numerous PSPS members among the authors (Grzegorz Sędek, Monika Grzesiak-Feldman, Małgorzata Kossowska, Marcin Bukowski, Mikołaj Winiewski, and others).


Techniques of Social Influence: The psychology of gaining compliance

Author: Doliński, D.

Publisher: Routledge


The small and big deceptions: In psychology and evolutionary sciences perspective

Authors: Kwiatkowska, A., Łukasik, A.

Publisher: University of Rzeszow Publishing House


Obraz człowieka w dziele Kępińskiego [The Image of Man in the Work of Kępiński]

Author: Maciuszek, J.

Publisher: The Nicolaus Copernicus University Press


Uprzedzenia w Polsce [Prejudice in Poland]

Authors: Stefaniak, A., Bilewicz, M., Winiewski, M.

Publisher: Liberi Libri

The book summarizes research conducted in the second edition of the Polish Prejudice Survey, a recurrent survey program to study intergroup attitudes among Poles. The program is carried out by the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw. It attempts to understand the most inflamed divisions in Polish society and the attitudes of Polish people toward foreign groups.


Wieloznaczność w przekazach politycznych [Ambiguity in Political Messages]

Authors: Cwalina, W., Falkowski, A., Koniak, P., Mackiewicz, R.

Publisher: Gdańsk Psychological Publishing House

Political messages are often deliberately constructed vaguely. They are intended to attract the voter’s attention, and not to convey important content. (…) the book provides extensive knowledge of contemporary interpersonal communication. It shows ways of interpreting messages and the consequences of their ambiguity. It also presents typical models of political messages used during an election campaign. (…) the book makes us realize how enormous the consequences of ambiguous messages can be, giving strongly memorable examples.


Dorośli reklamują, dzieci kupują. Kindermarkting i psychologia [Adults Advertise, Children Buy. Kindermarkting and Psychology]

Authors: Aleksandra Jasielska, Renata A. Maksymiuk

Publisher: Scholar Publishing House


Kulturowe ramy zachowań społecznych [Cultural Framework of Social Behavior]

Author: Pawel Boski

Published by: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, ACADEMICA SWPS University Press